Category: Clippings

Why The CIA’s First Tweet Isn’t Funny

Ever since Edward Snowden revealed the extent of the US government’s spying activity, the debate about surveillance, privacy and security has been raging in America and around the world. And when the...

Discovering The Upside Of Anger

Mike Binder’s 2005 dramedy The Upside of Anger is on my list of all-time favorite movies. Everytime I watch it, I’m reminded why it has remained on my list over...

The Weaponization Of Human Rights

On June 5, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Samantha Power as UN Ambassador. On June 6, 2013, CounterPunch ran a profile of Power entitled “Samantha Power and the Weaponization of Human Rights”, which...

Emotions Are Positive

When we think about emotions, we tend only to think about the negative ones – fear, anger and distress. But this is because the mass media over-emphasizes negative emotions and...

Dealing With Prejudice

Staring prejudice in the face imposes a cruel discipline: to structure your anger, to achieve a certain dignity, an angry dignity. — Ellen Ullman, former software engineer and author of...

What Recognition Can Do

There’s a huge power in acknowledgment, recognition and praise, but because we are often uncomfortable with it, we avoid it. And when we avoid it, we rob ourselves and others...

The First Naked Man In Advertising

Sex and nudity have been used in advertising to sell products since the medium’s beginning. But while the female nude was largely common, the male nude didn’t appear until 1967....

Bodies The Exhibition

65 Fascinating Facts About The Human Body

Seeing the Bodies…The Exhibition in New York last November reminded me of how fascinating the body I inhabit is. Featuring over 200 actual human bodies and specimens, meticulously dissected and...